[6/30/00 11:28PM]
The best TCL documentation ever: tcl-book_p1.pdf
| tcl-book_p2.pdf | tcl-book_p3.pdf
| tcl-book_p1.pdf
[6/5/0 7:07PM]
Now you can get YaBASIC RPM's (source
and binary) from this

[4/28/2000 12:34PM]
Another thing... If someone want't to contact Us via IRC, than go over
BalcanNET, channels: #balcan, #1
or #linux. Look for LekaMan

[4/28/2000 12:16PM]
Source Code (and compiled binary) of IRCer (an IRC client written
entirely in VisualBASIC) is finally available for download. If You
wanna see how it looks like, click here!

09:10AM] If You like YaBASIC
- an OpenSource BASIC interpreter that runs both on UNIX and Windoze,
than probably You have wondered if someone have written a CGI library
for YaBASIC... DLsoft developer Dejan Lekić have written it (as
OpenSource - free4all) and You can grab it here. Comments are welcome.
If you are YaBASIC programmer we suggest You to post all suggestions
on official YaBASIC
forum [download]

14:02PM] There is only one thing i should do
before i release IRCer code to public: it is clsEngine which is the
main class - crucial to IRCer. It handles all activities of User and
its IRC neighborhood. So please be patient - this week You will face
source here. I am also working on putting somewhere CVS tree, so we
can develop it faster!
Best wishes from Belgrade
Ovde ćete moći da vidite šta ima novo od programa
urađenih u ovom malenom, ali moćnom jeziku.
Skinite YaBASIC 2.64-r1 source
i binary
RPM-ove sa ovog sajta...
Ovaj jezik se sve više koristi na WEB-u, a bogme
i kao shell script language. Ovde ćete moći da
vidite šta je to DLsoft uradio u PHP-u. Takođe ćete
moći da vidite i skinete DLsoft skripte odavde. |
Da, da, DLsoft je radio i zanimljive JavaScript
skripte. Neke od njih će Vam sigurno biti potrebne (kao
što je recimo DLBanner ili JSKupovina) |
Evo konačno sam našao vremena da stavim IRCer - IRC
client pisan u VisualBASIC-u. Sam program je (kao što
će videti oni koji ga budu skinuli) u ranoj fazi
razvoja. Ja lično nemam puno vremena da se bavim
njime, tako da ako neko želi može da se pridruži i
da zajedno nastavimo da radimo na njemu - dobrodošao!
Voleli bi jako ako bi se neko od hrvatskih
VisualBASIC programera pridružio razvoju... [download] |
to je to... idemo na vrh |
On this site you will be able to find source code of VisualBASIC
IRC client!