- Finally, there is new version of YaBASIC. I decided to let
visitors of my WEB site to get source
and binary RPM's from
here. Note that these RPMs are the best, even better from those that
You can get from official YaBASIC
site (why so, You can see on YaBASIC forum)
- yalCGI - a YaBASIC CGI library + DEMO.
Or, You can download ZIP file
with all above mentioned files.
- Unfortunately, FreeServers
haven't yet answered on my request of adding yab MIME type
definition onto their WEB server. That's why You friends can't view
these yab files... :(
- Here it is! (Finally) - UltraEDIT
syntax highlighting for YaBASIC files! Here
it is! And, here is screenshot...
NEDIT is cool text editor